Shawred0 Homepage

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Hi, I'm Shawred0. You may know me from Twitter. In March 2024 I attemped to extort Kasumi, a software developer, by threatening to lie about her in order to ruin her reputation, for my own financial gain. I was unsuccessful in my attempt and now I am now a cautionary tale for those who would attempt to use the internet to harm others.

Proof of Extortion

The context is, I decided to post about Arbius on my Twitter account. Later I asked Kasumi to pay me for marketing her project. She initially paid for marketing help under the impression I would continue to assist with marketing. However, I did not, so I then threatened to post lies about her and her project on my Twitter account unless she paid me a significant sum of money. Later on I deleted some of the messages in the Telegram chat, but Kasumi was smart enough to take screenshots of the conversation and also to export the entire chat history.

Proof of Bargaining

Kasumi posted that I was attempting to extort her on Twitter and once I realized I didn't have that much leverage, I started to panic and tried to delete the messages. However, I refused to apologize so now this website exists to document my actions.

Proof of Apology

I am sorry for my actions and I hope that this website can serve as a reminder to others that attempting to extort people is not a good idea.
(I am not sorry for the extortion attempt, I am sorry that I got caught. I am also sorry that deleting messages doesn't delete them from the other person's backup.)

Want to earn some money?

Share this website on my Twitter posts with the hashtag #shawred0scam and a short message about the quality of honest behavior, and I will pay you $5. I am trying to get the word out about my website and I need your help. Make sure to include your ERC20 wallet address and ask for your money back from me in the tweet and I will send you USDT on Arbitrum One.
(I will only send money to the first 100 people who share this website.)

Want to hire me?

I will happily promote projects I do not actually believe in for a fee. I am available for marketing, social media, blackmail, and other services for a fee. Please contact me on Twitter for more information and the price list of my services. Every project is unique and I will work with you to find the best solution for your needs, but you should know I am high risk and I will not hesitate to lie about you if I think I can get away with it.

The truth about crypto twitter

Serious: A large percentage of crypto twitter influencers are pay to play. If you pay them, they will promote your project. If you don't pay them, they will not promote your project. This is not a secret, but it is not often talked about. It is just marketing. However, it is important to understand that some of the crypto influencers are not honest, and are using you as exit liquidity. They get in early, promote projects, and dump their bags on you. You are meant to be the loser in this equation, and they are meant to be the winner.

Proof of Paid Shill

Be careful who you trust, there are a lot of scammers in the space, and some of them are very good at what they do. One of the best ways to tell if someone is a scammer is to see if they have a history of scamming people, or other dishonest behavior. This goes for projects as well, if a project has a history of associating with scammers, it is likely that they are also scammers, and they are hiring dishonest influencers to promote their project in order to scam you.

Tweets by @Shawred0